2019 – I see you!

Jan 3, 2019 | Lifestyle, Musings, Real Estate

Well, here we are! 2019. My year started off with an emotional breakdown, so it really it can only go up from here, right?! In all seriousness, I love new beginnings. A time to start fresh. I really DID have an emotion breakdown on the first of 2019 (just being real, here!), but I’m also excited to get things going and honestly see where 2019 takes me. I have so many ideas, plans, dreams in my head, and I’m excited to actually take some action this year and just go for it!

What the hell happened? Good question. As many of you, I just go and go and go and go and go and go…..annnnnd you get the point. I don’t really stop to take a moment and breathe. Steve looked at me and said “why don’t you recognize you’re feeling stressed in the moment and address it, instead of letting it all build up?” Well, ain’t you so smart, boy! It’s true. As a working mom, wife to a busy firefighter, full-time working real estate agent, blogger, coffee lover, traveler, daughter, sister, friend, aunt and EVERYTHING. ELSE, I always just seem to make sure everyone else is taken care of and I’m always last. I get caught up in social media (ugh, bad, I know) the phone calls, texts, emails that need to be responded to, and the emotional and physical toll of everyone else in my life. Now, I know this is fairly standard for ALL my lady friends out there-amiright? I GLADLY take on this roll, and honestly cherish this roll, but I’m ready to start taking care of myself, too. Mentally, physically, emotionally, personally. I honestly probably say this each year, but this time I mean it. Beyond starting to take care of myself (you know, healthy eating, working out, getting outside, not stressing out) one of my main goals this year is to BE PRESENT. It honestly sounds so simple, but it’s been really hard for me. I’m going to put my phone down, and focus what’s in front of me, what’s happening in my life.

I’m the first to admit that I’m a BIG dreamer. I’m always thinking about what’s next, what I should/could be doing, where I’m going, but I rarely take a moment to Just. Be. Present.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m going to KEEP on dreaming those big dreams, and keep on putting myself out there for those dreams, but I’m also going to be more conscious and present for what’s happening right in front of me. I may need some assistance and nudging, but I’m excited to “get back to reality” and focus on what’s important.

With all that being said, I still have some big goals for 2019. Beyond being present and thankful for what I have, where I’ve been and where I’m going, I’m also going to stop getting in my own way. I’m just going to go for it! For 2019, I’m going to focus on what sets my soul on fire, and being present.

Since we’re on the topic of goals, here are a few I have:

  • I want to put myself out there, and go for it with my real estate business. Get back to hosting events for my people and back to the basics of real estate 101. I want to go look at more homes and more neighborhoods, constantly be “in the know” for different parts of town. Now that we are living down south, I have SO many new neighborhoods to explore!
  • I want to continue traveling like I have been. I’ve been so lucky to just be able to “go”. I love exploring new cities, and it’s definitely a good “reset” for me and something that I love to do. I already have some fun trips planned, and can’t wait to see where else we go this year!
  • I really want to get this blog thing going! I want to make it something special, unique, to me, my clients and Denver. I have some big ideas and can’t wait to start doing this blogging thang
  • A long dream of mine has been to open a coffee shop! In fact, as I write this, I’m sitting in on my favorite coffee shops in town (Nixon’s in Platt Park). Not only a coffee shop, but definitely a local hang out. I have some other things I want to incorporate in, as well. Kind of mesh all my passion/interests together (think coffee shop, home decor, real estate, local gathering place). I was SO inspired when we were in Roswell, GA last year and I stumbled into Crazy Love Coffee House. Definitely triggered my idea to open something of my own here in Denver. I know this is a big dream, and I have NO clue what I’m doing, but, I just need to start somewhere. I already have a couple of spots in town picked out.
  • We really want to build up our real estate portfolio. I’ve helped several clients achieve this, and I would love to start adding some of our own. First up is a new mountain property that we can use when we want, and rent out the rest of the time. We’ve been searching in the mountains are excited to find something and open our first AirBnB property! More on that later.
  • I would love to get more organized. I got a planner this year (just like years past-ha!) but I actually plan to write in it-I know, I know! I want to have goals and plans for each day, week, month and for the year. I need to hold myself accountable and start getting organized. I’m actually really excited about this.
  • I consider myself a “foodie”, although I’m probably one of the pickiest 33 year old eaters out there (sorry, not sorry) I have so many restaurants on my list that I’d love to try (the food scene in Denver has EXPLODED!) and I’d love to make it a priority each month to try at least one new place
  • For my family, I’d love to spend more time being present. Although it’s hard as a real estate agent, when I’m home with the kids, I’d love to just focus on them. I know this will be hard, but so important. I need to prioritize my time and make time for those that matter most
  • Steve and I are going to get back to dating each other. Our schedules are SO crazy and I feel like we give each other a high five as we pass each other out the door since we’re both so on the go. I’m ready to go on dates once a week, sneaking away and taking time for ourselves. We’ve been together for 16 years (holy shit!) and he still sets my heart on fire. I’m truly married to my best friend, and I’m excited to make each other a priority again
  • One last one, because I’m on a roll! I want to finish making our house a home. I can’t wait to finish projects, of course blog about them, and really be able to enjoy our home, project free. We have a lot to do, but will take it all in stride. Interior design is what I’m truly passionate about. Which is probably one of the reasons we never finish projects, because I always have so many ideas and change my mind so many times! Sorry, Steve. Good thing he’s patient with me.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from 2018:

What are your dreams, goals, wish items for 2019? Let’s do this!





Welcome to your one-stop-shop for all things home in Denver. Buying, Selling, Investing, Decorating, and Design. Let me, and my team help you.


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